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4 Ways to Overcome the Problem of Breast Milk Do Not Come Out After Give Birth

Congratulations on the birth of the little one, hopefully he always grows healthy and smart yes, Mom. Are you worried about breastfeeding not coming out after giving birth? This is also what I experienced when my first child was born. Don't be panic Mom, because there are some mother who breastfed her new one until three days after giving birth. I myself can only breastfeed smoothly four days postpartum, you know. However, what if the milk still does not come out even after a few weeks since the birth of the Little? This is a sign you have to start doing some ways to stimulate the milk to come out smoothly.

Here are four ways that my doctor once suggested, Mom.

1. Make Skin Contact between Mom and Baby

I so remember the first time when making skin-to-skin contact with Little is the most beautiful moment of life. I'm sure you feel the same way, do not you? From the results of consultation with the doctor, it turns out skin to skin is not only useful for closer bonding mother and baby, but also can stimulate breast milk production hormone, you know. That is why, Mother needs to do more skin touch and occasionally bring the areola or breast nipple to the mouth of the Small, Mom.

2. Gentle Breast Massage

In addition to a skin-to-skin touch with a baby, you can also gently massage your breasts. From the research I found online, gentle massage on the breast can improve the quality of blood circulation that will eventually facilitate milk production, Mom. Massage done in the first days after delivery can also reduce the risk of breast swelling and inflammation, you know. But you need to remember that this massage should not cause pain, yes. So if you feel pain or numbness at the time of massage, check with your doctor immediately.

3. Avoid Doing Unhealthy Diet

After the birth, I understand very well if you want to immediately restore the body shape as before. But you better avoid this, yes. From my experience, unhealthy diet can affect the quality and the amount of milk production you know, ma'am. This is because when breastfeeding, you still need a lot of energy to produce milk. That's why, when consulting with doctors he did not recommend me on a diet after two months postpartum.

In order for the health of the baby to stay awake, I also always make sure the body still get important intake such as Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, and Vitamins. Well, at the time of the diet program, weight loss that occurs well is also done gradually yes like 0.45 kg per week.

4. Enough Rest and Avoid Stress

The birth of Little to the world would be the most beautiful blessing for every Mom. However, it can not be denied that caring for the baby has its own challenges that might make Mom's stress. Moreover, after delivery your mother will generally experience drastic hormonal changes that can trigger baby blues. This negative feeling is likely to affect milk production for the Little One. Well, if you feel overwhelmed in taking care of the Small, it's good if you ask for help from the husband and the nearest person yes.

Breast milk has a lot of good for the growth of children such as improving the brain, body, and height of the Little. However, when faced with breastfeeding problems do not come out after delivery, you are encouraged to stay calm and think positively so that the condition can improve. Try these tips and make sure the routine to consult with your doctor to momentarily breastfeeding moments can run smoothly yes, mom.

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4 Ways to Overcome the Problem of Breast Milk Do Not Come Out After Give Birth 4 Ways to Overcome the Problem of Breast Milk Do Not Come Out After Give Birth Reviewed by Tri Angle on March 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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